To begin with, what’s the Mangrove forest? generally, where grow various sorts of small and medium trees – especially in coastal saline or brackish water are defined because the mangrove forest. consistent with the statistics of 2000, the entire mangrove forest within the world covers 137,800 square kilometres. it’s covered about 118 countries and territories. this is often a kind of Coastal forest. to elucidate, the forest is temporarily submerged in saltwater tidal waters; where the water rises during the tide and when the water flows down.

To clarify, why does Mangrove forest matter and what’s the advantages of it? especially, it’s vital for the ecosystem. On the opposite hand, it protects the coastal area from severe storms or cyclones. Another key point, Mangrove forest is that the heaven of critical habitats animals. Equally important, it’s the storing area of a huge amount of carbon. At an equivalent time, it prevents erosion from the coastal region. And it creates tons of opportunities for livelihood. The warning for the person, the areas of mangrove forests are decreasing and that we also are wasting the resources. it’s the time to form the people conscious with necessary steps.
By all means, we’ll realize the highest 10 mangrove forests within the world. the very first thing to recollect, we’ve tried to say the country-based largest mangrove forest within the world. If you get it, you must add the other mangrove forest within the list, you’re welcome within the comment section to extend the collaboration.
Top 10 largest Mangrove Forest within the World:
Let’s see the highest 10 lists of Mangrove Forrest within the world with some necessary information.
1. Sundarbans Mangrove
Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. the entire area is almost 10,000 km2. additionally, it’s at the side of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers within the Bay of Bengal. the world of Bangladesh part is 6,017 km2. the foremost plentiful trees are Sundri and Gewa. At an equivalent time, it’s the house of Royal Bengal Tigers. Notably, UNESCO has declared Sundarbans because the world heritage site. some extent often overlooked, the place is now very fashionable for ecotourism.
Click here To know: How to do a perfect Sundarban tour!
2. Pichavaram Mangrove Forest
Pichavaram is the second largest Mangrove Forest within the world. It is located in Tamil Nadu, India. Generally, the entire area of this forest is 2800 acres. A sand bar of Bay Of Bengal has divided it. to stress, the forest is the home of water snakes, water dogs, foxes, turtles, prawns, crustaceans, oysters, and waterfowl. Identically, you’ll also find 200 species of birds. it’s also the place of some rare species like Avicennia and Rhizophora.
3. Florida Mangroves
In us, Florida consists of the most important mangrove forest. it’s nearly 2700 acres. To make certain, it’s the foremost protected mangrove forest within the world. Any illegal destruction of the forests is extremely prohibited. Among 10 known’s mangrove species, the red, black and white mangroves are seen most. within the Florida mangroves, it consists of 220 fish and 181 bird species. Certainly, the animals including bears, wildcats, pumas, and rats are safe here also. It consists of 24 reptile and amphibian species. Like alligators, crocodiles, and turtles.
4. Bahia Mangroves
Bahia mangrove is found in Northeastern Brazil. it’s figured because of the South American Atlantic Forest biome. the world is almost 2,100 square kilometres (800 square miles) including land-water area. The species of trees are mainly from Atlantic tropical mangrove species (Red, Black, and White Mangrove family). albeit the forest is currently facing a conservation threat. within the forest area, it prevails the tropical climate with heavy rainfall. Indeed, rare mammals are found here including the maned ai and golden-headed lion tamarin. The place is popular for tourist destinations also.

5. Godavari-Krishna Mangroves
Godavari-Krishna mangrove is found within the Krishna–Guntur District in Andhra Pradesh. the entire area of mangroves during this forest is 194.81 sq. km. among 7000 km2 of the island. it’s a forest that is at threat for framing and seaside urbanization. The trees species contains black mangrove, Suaeda spp., Rhizophora spp., and Bruguiera spp. Other coastal habitats include saltwater crocodiles, insects, molluscs, shrimp, crabs, and fish. It consists of 140 species of birds and a few endangered including egrets, flamingoes.
6. Gulf of Panama Mangroves
Gulf of Panama mangroves is found at the side of the Bay of San Miguel within the Pacific Coast of Panama, Colombia. Besides, the entire area of this forest is 2,330 sq. km. (900 sq mi). generally, it’s a heavy rainfall area though it prevails season from January to April. Important to understand, the consequences of deforestation and agriculture are affecting the mangroves area. Especially, river erosion is increasing intensively. to not mention, many families here are counting on the income source counting on the mangroves. So, the natural behaviour of the coastal area is decreasing day by day.
7. Indus Delta-Arabian Sea Mangroves
Indus River Delta is found at the shore of Indus and therefore the Arabian Sea. The mangrove flows from the Indo-Pacific region. This mangrove is the source of freshwater, the availability of oxygen and living numerous species of critical habitat. the world is almost 2,200 square miles. The forest is rich with various sorts of fish, birds, and dolphins. for instance, Giant Snakehead, Indus Baril, Indus Garua, and Rita catfish. Likewise, the dolphin is familiar because the freshwater dolphin and mentioned as Indus dolphin (Platanista minor). during this area, excessive use of insecticides for irrigation and dams within the river are making the habitat life-critical.
8. Belizean Coast Mangroves
Belizean Coast mangrove is found at Antique Bay in Guatemala alongside the value Belize. the entire area is almost 2850 km2. it’s under conservation of the planet Wildlife Fund. The forest may be a great shelter for a few species of fish and birds. Some habitats including Egret, Bubulcus ibis, and Boat-Billed Herons live during this coast mangroves. this is often the place of some species including anhinga, neotropical cormorant, and white ibis.
9. Greater Antilles mangroves
Greater Antilles mangrove is found between Cuba proper and Isla de la Juventud. Isla de la Juventud is the second largest island in Cuba and 7th largest within the West Indies. the entire area of the island is 3,540.56 km2. Among the world, the mangrove forest is 2,200 square miles. Markedly, it’s got the status of Critical/Endangered mangrove forest. The animal species within the forest consists of Cuban crocodile, Cuban Rock Iguana, the Cuban hutias, etc. There are 4 sorts of tree species including mangrove, Avicennia germinans, white mangrove. and button tree.
10. Manabi Mangroves
Manabi mangrove is found in Ecuador at the side of the Pacific Coast. the world is almost 1,000 km2. For shrimp farms and urbanization, the mangrove forest is within the endangered list. Hopefully, illegal activities are banned now. The Manabi Mangrove is within the shore of the Muisne River. Among the mangrove trees, it consists of Avicennia germinans, mangrove, and Rhizophora Harrison. At an equivalent time, it’s some rare sort of mangrove trees. it’s the house of shrimp, numerous birds, and fish.
Some other Mangrove Forest List:
Important to understand, there are other mangrove forests. you’ll get the entire list consistent with the region from here. Let’s mean a number of the mangrove forest lists from other countries.
- Indochina mangroves
- Myanmar coast mangroves
- Sunda Shelf mangroves
- Amapá mangroves
- Esmeraldes-Pacific Colombia mangroves
- Guianan mangroves
- Maranhão mangroves
- Northern Honduras mangroves
- Pará mangroves
- Mayan Corridor mangroves
- Final Thought:
With attention to, Mangrove forest maintains the right balance of the ecosystem. On the opposite hand, it’s an excellent place for fish production and reservation. for shielding the coastal areas and preventing erosion or storm, it’s the security for the person. For this reason, it’s our duty to figure for preserve the mangrove forests. With this in mind, let’s start to complement consciousness altogether the place of the planet. If the forest and nature grow accurately among the planet, the person can live well. So, it’s not only our duty, it’s our responsibility.
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