Present status of Faunal resources
Animals and Spices of the Sundarbans The Sundarban mangrove forest is the most important habitat for the Royal Bengal Tiger in the world ( tiger ).
The Sundarban mangrove forest is the only place on the entire planet where tigers can be found in their native environment. According to the census taken in 2004, there are around 274 tigers living in the Indian Sundarban. Of these, 249 can be found in the Sundarban Tiger Reserve, and the remaining 25 can be found in the South 24-Parganas Forest Division. There are 58 different species of mammals, over 248 different species of birds, and 55 different species of reptiles.

In addition, the Sundarbans are home to a significant number of endangered species, including the Estuarine Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), the Fishing Cat (Felis viverrina), the Common Otter (Eurasian otter), the Water Monitor (Varanus salvator), the Gangetic Dolphin (Platinista gangetica), the Snubfin dolphin (Orcella brevirostris), the River Terrapin ( ( Eritmochelys imbricata ). This region is home to six different kinds of sharks and rays, all of which are protected by the Wildlife (Protection) Act and are classified in Schedule I. All of these things point to the possibility that the Sundarban Reserved Forest is a natural biodiversity hotspot.
Other mammals include wild boars, spotted deer, porcupines, and Rhesus macaques. untamed boars are also present. The community of venomous reptiles is comprised of the hamadryad, the common cobra, the banded adder, and Russell’s Viper. The community of non-venomous snakes is comprised of the Python, the Chequered Kil-Back, the Dhaman, the Green Whip Snake, and a variety of other species.
Sundarban Animals Spices
There are 248 different species of birds, including a significant number of avian migrants that travel from higher latitudes to lower latitudes during the winter months. Herons, Egrets, Cormorants, Storks, Green Pigeons, Sand Pipers, Large and small Spoonbills, Darters, Seagulls, Teal, Partridges, and a large variety of Wild Geese and Ducks are all included in this group of birds.
Sundarban Animals Spices.

It is not uncommon to come across cetaceans such as the Irrawaddy Snubfin Dolphin or the Gangetic Dolphin in estuarine rivers, with the former being the more common of the two. Necmeris porous, also known as the Black-footed Porpoise, can also be found in the rivers that are located close to the estuary. The marshes and river provide a safe haven for the Estuarine Crocodile, which is the largest species of crocodile and also one of the most endangered.
The estuaries are home to a diverse population of aquatic organisms, including fish, mollusks, crabs, and prawns. There is a great deal of curiosity in the amphibious mud-skipper fish, such as the Periopthalmus species and the Boleopthalmus species.
In addition, there are Rhincodon typus, Galeocerdo cuvieri, Hammerhead Sharks, Sawfish, Guitarfish, and a few common edible fish such as Hilsa ilisha, Setipinna breviceps, Setipinna taty, and Gudusia chapra, among other species. Among the crustaceans, the One-Armed crab (Uca spp) and the two species of trilobite (Tachypleus gigus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda) are the most frequently encountered. This particular species, which is referred to as the “Horse Shoe Crab” at times, is considered a living fossil and requires major protection due to the therapeutic benefits it provides as well as the unchecked collection for profit that is done by quack physicians.

Insects :
Sundarban Animals Spices
Insects teem in the forests amongst which the honey bee ( Apis dorsata ) may be a source of considerable income for the poor people living in fringe areas.
Faunal Diversity at a look :
Vertebrate Spp = 481
Hemichordate Spp = 1
Invertebrate Spp = 1104
Protozoan species = 106
Mammals = 58
Birds = 248
Reptiles = 55
Eight sub-species of Tiger within the world :
Still surviving
Bengal tiger
Siberian tiger
Indo-Chinese tiger
South China tiger
Sumatran tiger
Caspian tiger
Javan tiger
Bali tiger.
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Royal Sundarban Tourism
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Contact: 7439965413 / 877356980
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Address: Sundarban. Gosaba Market Durga Mandir Road, Pin – 743370, West Bengal , India.